Bosque Verde is designed for those who want to build and live in harmony and tranquility with the natural ecosystems and wildlife, respecting the privacy and tranquility of other residents.
Some of the things to which homesite owners agree, in writing, when they purchase:
- that the minimum construction area will be 200 square meters (2,152 square feet).
- to limit construction height to a maximum of two stories above the grade of the site.
- not to build more than a single family residence and a guest house, swimming pools, and bodegas (storage room/building), using no more than 15 per cent of the total area of the lot, as outlined below.
- not to build a condominium or apartment.
- to properly and responsibly use security measures that may be installed in the main entrance to the project.
- not to keep horses, sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, chickens, ducks, or geese, or other domestic fowl.
- not to operate motor vehicles in the forest reserve area.
- to minimize lighting external to buildings to minimize light pollution of the night sky. Exterior lighting shall be designed to minimize light pollution.
- to abide by the land use laws of Costa Rica governing land use, construction, protection of streams and underground aquifers, and conservation of the ecosystems.
- to "comply with, support and compel" these restrictions: the land is for residential, agricultural and forestry only; the maximum construction area is 15 per cent of the total area of any lot, including housing, garages, pools and storage; commercial activities are not permitted; roads are agricultural easements, for the private use of residents and can never be public and; lots can not be subdivided.
- to take part in the formation of a Homeowners' Association, which will assume responsibility for the administration and maintenance of internal roads or easements, as well as setting up regulations for administering and conserving a tranquil, safe and ecologically responsible environment.
- before beginning construction, to permit a representative of the seller and/or the Homeowners' Association, to verify that permits, architectural drawings, and structural engineering have been obtained and approved by Costa Rican authorities and that the restrictions have been satisfied.
- to mutually decide with the seller the location and route of the access driveway to buyer's lot.
- to pay for the connection from the electrical transformer to structures on the buyer's property.
- to pay for installation of water lines within the lot boundaries to structures on the lot.
- sewage shall be disposed of in a septic tank system installed within the boundaries of the lot. Installation of the septic tank system shall be paid for by the buyer and shall comply with restrictions set out elsewhere in the covenants.
- to become part of the water system association and to pay water usage tariffs that will be established by the association in conjunction with the competent authorities in the area.
- to pay the cost of restoring the local roads for any damages that buyer's building or machinery may cause to the internal roads in the project.
- to have the right to a proportionate share of ownership in the forest reserve area, which comprises at least 60 per cent of the total area of Bosque Verde.
- to incorporate as obligatory clauses in any subsequent sales agreements for Bosque Verde homesite(s) all of the covenants to which the buyer agrees when purchasing.